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* Ispričavamo se što na listi nema pjesme 'What's your big secret' Rolin Humes, ali više nismo imali mjesta na Soundcloudu. Na Bandcampu zato imate sve. 



I remember the clouds and the funny little coat she had. 
She didn't smile, but she looked like she enjoyed the rain. 
Didn't even try to keep her boots dry. 
On that day, one love came and passed by. 

Red nose and wet lips shone through that hazy day. 
For a moment she stopped right next to me, 
Lord, how I wished for her to stay. 
At that crossroads, while she was walking away, 
Tiny knees dressed in green, 
Fell down and never got up again. 

My lady, my mystery… 
I saw her only once, 
It was enough for me.



Once again I leave 

I leave you behind 
Once again you leave 
You leave me behind 

Once again I already miss you 
And we've just kissed goodbye 
Once again I already miss you 
And we've just kissed goodbye 

All this leaving 
All these bye-byes 
It's wearing me out 
I don't wanna leave anymore 
I don't wanna say goodbye 

Let's stay 
Let's stay 
Let's stay, baby, you and I...



Dođe mi često 
Baš jako često 
Da napustim sve 

Da uzmem sve važno 
A baš je to tužno 
Kako je malo stvari 

Koje me stvarno 
Baš bizarno 
Čine sretnom 
I daruju osmijeh 

Znam nije to grijeh 
Al tebi čini se ko peh 
Al nije to grijeh 

Napusti današnji svijet 
Uberi prekrasan cvijet 
Ostavi ljude zle 
Koji ti ruše sne 

Na rubu neke šume 
Posadi svoje agrume 
I živi od tog 

To je moguće 
To može tko hoće 
Doći ću ti i ja 

Uzmi gitaru 
Čujem melodiju staru 
I pjevaj mi sad 
Pjevaj mi sad x3 

Poskoči visoko 
Zaroni duboko 
I zaboravi sve 

Poskoči visoko 
Zaroni duboko 
I zaboravi sve 
Zaboravi sve x 6 
I prepusti se

JESEN - Sara Renar


slušaj kako šumi jesen slušaj kako šumi ti si htjela biti sama ti si htjela biti sama 

ja sam bila pogrešna 
kao mnogi 
kad sam te tražila 
sada kad sam suvišna 
biram nas 
biraš nju 

i tko 
tko sam ja da bunim se 
jer ja 
ja sam ta što izdaje 
a sad 
sada jasno kasno je 
da biram nas 
biraš nju 

biram nas 
govorim u snu 

ja sam bila pogrešna 
i bijeg zamijenila 
ne pomažu sad 
kad biram nas 
biraš nju 

biram nas 
govorim u 

slušaj kako šumi jesen slušaj kako šumi ti si htjela biti sama ti si htjela biti sama 

sada jesi



breaking hearts is easy 
you only have to wink, sigh or smile 
breaking free is different matter all together 

i’m lost for words you’re lost for words 
the ones we have will food us down 
breaking free is all together different matter 

blown up bars and broken cars 
can only get me this far 
breaking free is different matter all together 

do i trade lonely for what you are 
are we just damage to be done 
breaking free is all together different matter 

i lay my cards to change your ways 
did the roads make you a man 
getting home to stay 
getting home 

all my love for what you are 
for all the fire in your heart 
breaking free is all together different matter 

breaking hearts is easy 
you only have to wink, sigh or smile 
breaking free is different matter all together.

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