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Da ti želim dobra jutra 
Malo li je 
Da dočekamo sutra 
Malo li je 
Zaboravljena jutra 
Izgubljeni dan 
Pitam se 
Pitam kako je 
Ona me pita za sve moje poglede 
Ali to ima neko drugo značenje

SUMMER - The Marshmallow Notebooks

I still feel the sand on my toes. My foolish words, your heart-shaped stones, sunscreen on my lips and your sleepy eyes. And then it all started to fall. It was just a summer, but it meant more. I still feel the sun on my skin. The love we were in, the mountain goat walk, sunscreen on my lips and your sleepy eyes. Was it the sun in our hair? Was it that hard rain that fell? Was it that picture you took? Was is the lust in that stare? Was it the dormouse upstairs? Was it that old blue book? I wish I could deduce it.


Sjever nam se sakrio s leđa 
Bili smo daleko od kuće 
Kiša nam je smočila noge 
Čuli smo da nešto diše 
Čuli smo da nešto diše 
Čuli smo da nešto diše 
Staza nam je bila daleko 
Rukama smo grabili zemlju 
Rukama smo trgali lišće 

Dok sirene sviraju 
ti spavaš na toplome 
pa sjedneš na prozor 
i gledaš van

ŽELIM BITI STREJT - U pol 9 kod Sabe

Želim biti normalna 
Ljubiti se s dečkima 
Želim biti kao svi 
S dečkom ljubav voditi 

Želim biti strejt 
S dečkom ići na dejt 
Zaboravit ću Baricu 
Tu slatku konobaricu 

Želim biti normalna 
Žvalit se s muškarcima 
Želim biti kao ti 
S muškarcima općiti 

Želim biti strejt 
Zbogom Winslet Kate 
Zaboravit ću Anicu 
I obući vjenčanicu 

Želim biti strejt 
S dečkom ići na dejt 
Zaboravit ću Baricu 
Tu slatku konobaricu 

Želim ići u crkvu 
Moliti se Isusu 
Da me Iso izliječi 
Od lezbijske ljubavi 

Želim biti strejt 
S dečkom ići na dejt 
Zaboravit ću Baricu 
Tu slatku konobaricu 

Želim biti strejt 
Zbogom Winslet Kate 
Zaboravit ću Anicu 
I obući vjenčanicu

TKO KAŽE A - Marinada

Svjetlo koje palim gasim
Podsjeca na prve poljupce
Poljupci i sada pljušte
Tko kaže A mora reci i B

Tko kaže A

Krevet bez posteljine
Zemljovid bez granice

Plahta na vjetru
Zamjenjuje sve zastave
Tko kaže A
Tijelo progovara
Tko kaže A mora reci i B

Okrecem se oko zemlje
Carobne su njene granice
Prije nego li ju napustim
Otplesat cu još ovaj ples

Tko kaže A
Tko kaže A



I used to cross my arms over my chest and lay down on ground and soft grass

Roll over hills and valleys, until the sun would hide behind the line

We would run without stopping, steal tangerines on the way back home

Climb up the trees, jump down stairs, until we would start losing breath


Arrows and bows, blood on my knees

Cherries from tree, sticky fingers in my ears

Fights and scratches, bikes and wars

Adventures, comics and so much more


Empty streets on winter evenings, playing with matches to warm my fingers

I would drag my sled through the deepest snow to prolong the time of coming back home


Arrows and bows, blood on my knees

Cherries from tree, sticky fingers in my ears

Fights and scratches, bikes and wars

Adventures, comics and so much more


Arrows and bows, blood on my knees

Cherries from tree, sticky fingers in my ears

Fights and scratches, bikes and wars

In the days of innocence, all I could wish for

ANDRIJA - Bitipatibi

za rukav te vučem Andrija 
da igramo flipere 
brine me to što ne vidiš 
ja bih sa tobom još negde 

za rukav te vučem Andrija 
da igramo flipere 
dosta smo danas svirali 
ja bih sa tobom još negde 

za rukav te vucem Andrija 
da igramo flipere 
sve sam ti naglas složila 
a ti se igraš drugačije 

fliper u malom hodniku 
svetlost je u kupatilu 
ruke u vodi posmatraš 
zar nisam ti lepa,Andrija 

ruke mi daj, 
hajde padni na dlan 
neka zasija bar dan 

šta treba mi Andrija da te pokrenem? 
i ja ti stotu poruku pišem 
ja ti stotu poruku pišem...

MONSTER - Kimiko

Songbirds singing songs of 
Praise to springtime 
And yellow glows the sun 

Happy with your eyes closed 
You are lying 
On a bed of cold grass 

You're smiling maybe too wide 
Maybe too much 
Your laughter is too loud 

Strange lights shine from your eyes 
As you are drifting 
Through these godforsaken woods 

Your words don't make any sense

And you make noise that 
Scares the bears away 

And stories are told about you 
You're not forgotten 
But noone's going to cry for you 
Noone's going to cry for you 

And your wildness grows 
As the cold wind blows 
Your mind is full of clouds 
They take a toll, they took your soul 

Horses, pitchforks and torches 
Glowing bright 
They take your night away 

Surrounded, no hope no future 
You will not hear birds 
Singing in the morning 
Singing in the morning 

And your wildness grows 
As the cold wind blows 
Your mind is full of clouds 
They take a toll, they took your soul

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